(How hormones affect our mood?)

Have you noticed that your mood changes for no apparent reason? We often try our best to control ourselves, but still, we can't cope with this occasional feeling of falling into the emotional abyss. The truth is, troubles at school, work, personal life, never-ending rain, or chronic stress are not always to blame for this.

We know that hormones play a vital part in our body's biological orchestra, and if some are out of tune, the whole thing is just not sounding great. Symptoms of hormonal imbalance, among others, can include mood swings, anxiety, sleep disturbances, fatigue and depression. Our mood is also a direct reflection of the chemical balance of hormones in our brains – neuromodulators.

You may experience an antagonistic mood, which means having conflicting or opposing emotions. In such cases, hormones can cause one mood state to predominate (for example, a chronic lack of serotonin may lead to depression). Facts are facts: hormonal balance is essential to maintaining a stable mood.


Serotonin regulates a dozen of physiological processes, starting from memory and cognition and ending with vomiting, arousal and constriction of blood vessels.

If the levels of serotonin are consistently low, it can lead to various mental and physiological illnesses, productivity and learning ability will decrease and our bodies will start to overcompensate for the lack of serotonin through external sources, such as carbs and sweets.


Endorphins are produced by our brain (pituitary gland), primarily as a response to pain. With a structure similar to opiates, endorphins inhibit physical pain or alleviate psychological stress, and improve mood and overall wellbeing. Endorphin production and release can also be triggered by aerobic exercise and laughter – both will have a tremendously positive effect on anxiety and depression.

Similarly to endorphins, dopamine also has a positive effect on our mood and is produced in the brain when you achieve certain goals and tasks. Dopamine levels rise when we eat our favourite foods, scroll through Instagram or watch HBO series. Overindulging in those can lead to a consistent drop in dopamine release, which in turn leads to demotivation, apathy, procrastination and depression. Additionally, alcohol overconsumption can also decrease dopamine release in the long run.


It sounds logical that neuromodulators and neurotransmitters produced in our brain can affect our mood, however, disbalance in sex hormones can also swing our emotions.

Both high and low levels of oestrogen and testosterone can worsen your anxiety, depression and exacerbate any emotional reaction to a regular stimulus. Unlike men, women can experience sharp drops and surges of hormones during ovulation or pregnancy, which is completely normal. However, if you feel that irritation and aggression became more prominent than usual – it’s a fair sign to check your hormones.


Another master of our mood is oxytocin as it contributes to the emergence of positive feelings for a partner and children. A sufficient level of oxytocin improves mood, normalizes sleep, and calms the nervous system. Make sure you take your daily dose of oxytocin by hugging your loved ones or caring for someone.


Thyroid hormones play important role in regulating our mood and wellbeing as one of the main functions of the thyroid gland is the regulation of mood and cognition (alongside metabolism, heart rate and many others). An overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) can result in panic attacks, aggression and irritability, while hypothyroidism can lead to depression and mental deterioration.


It is normal to ride the emotional swing from time to time since each of us has an individual journey of ups and downs toward our well-being, which is never easy. However, if you do 360 degrees backflips on your swings too often and notice an unusual emotional reaction to your standard stressors make sure to check the levels of all your hormones.



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